
Thursday, May 23, 2002

They're done!

As some of you may know, I am going to World Youth Day 2002 in Toronto. At least, I think I've mentioned it on this blog before. If I haven't mentioned it... well, now you know. :)

At any rate, according to Catholic Answers, WYD's are a major attraction for not only the Catholic youth of the world, it's also a "favorite" place for anti-Catholics to "sheep steal". These venomous cretins target the youth and young adults of the Catholic Church with lies about Her during what should be a safely spiritual experience.

I have decided, in my own small way, to combat such devious and damnable behavior. I have therefore proposed to publish a pamphlet (4 pages - 2 front/back pages) combating the top 6 or 7 anti-Catholic fallacies. To date, I have finished work on the first two pages, and covered 3 topics.

1. Call no man Father
2. Crucifixes are evil
3. Eucharist is symbolic

They can be found at the following links (NOTE: You may need to hit refresh once or retype in the address):

Tract #1
Tract #2

While these tracts are designed for World Youth Day, if any Catholic would like to have a copy of these tracts (in PowerPoint format), just send me an email and I would be happy to provide you with a copy of the files. You may then edit them to fit your own purposes, though I ask you, on your honor, to use them to defend the Catholic faith.

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